Clinical Implant Training Concept (CITC)  curriculum



Clinical Implant Training Concept CITC is organized by Prof. Jean-Pierre Bernard, President of International Clinical College.

This course has been designed for dentists who wish to integrate Implantology into their day-to-day work in their dental office. The course provides skills in implant treatment, including simultaneous implantation with bone augmentation. The course has also been designed for dentists with experience in Implantology who wish to increase their knowledge to make Implantology more accessible to their patients.

The CITC, which is based on international-scientific literature, takes place in education centers of the ICC. Attendees will participate in training courses to learn the necessary implantation techniques in the context of optimized Minimaly Invasive Medical Implantology, which has been established by Prof. Jean-Pierre Bernard over 30 years of clinical activity in the field of clinical Implantology at the University of Geneva.




During the curriculum the following subjects will be covered:



Basics of osseointegration


Influence of material and surface condition


Influence of prosthodontic connections  


Indications for implants


Preoperative evaluation,


Implantation planning


Technical conditions for performing an implant placement


Prevention and treatment of intraoperative und postoperative complications


Duration of loading


Prosthodontic restoration


Long-term follow-up, complications, and failures


In addition, the participants will assist  to implants placement according to the basics of advanced minimally invasive Implantology.



After this preparation course, the attendees will participate in  CITC clinical sessions under the supervision of a certified CITC Implantology expert. During weekly sessions, clinical and radiological studies as well as treatment plans are performed. In addition, each participant will perform at least 5 implantations in patients. The participant has the opportunity to assist at least 30 implantations, which will be presented and discussed in the group. During the clinical sessions, as an Implantology expert the instructor explains the steps of the implantation.    


Every week emeeting of the participants group will allow to share experience and discussions inside the group


During the clinical curriculum the dental assistants can assist the implantations of the dentist in patients. They can acquire necessary skills for preparing and assisting during the implantation.


During the clinical curriculum, complementary presentation sessions are organized: two sessions are dedicated to oral hygiene, asepsis, and disinfection in the dental office. Two months after the beginning of the clinical activity, participants will practice skills in restoring implants.


At the end of the curriculum during the evaluation session, each participant will discuss 3 of his/her clinical cases in front of a jury of the ICC. For validation of these case reports, a participation certificate for the successful participation in the CITC will be submitted by the ICC.    


After the CITC-course, the participants will keep  access to the discussion forums of the group and can also ask a dentist who is responsible for the program to help them in their planning and  treatments of patients.




During the Clinical Implant Training sessions, the surgical instructor  will explain all implantation steps to the participants.